19 September 2024
2020/12/31 - 18:21 View: 1565

Press Statement On the occasion of “First Anniversary of Martyrdom of Soleymani”

Press Statement by the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran On the occasion of “First Anniversary of Martyrdom of Lieutenant General Qasim Soleymani” January 3rd 2021, marks the first anniversary of

Press Statement by the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Oslo, 31 December 2020
On the occasion of
“First Anniversary of Martyrdom of
Lieutenant General Qasim Soleymani”
January 3rd 2021, marks the first anniversary of martyrdom of forever
living, Lieutenant General Qasim Soleymani, who was brutally
assassinated in an extremely cowardly terrorist operation by the US
Martyr Soleymani was not only a national heroic warrior for the entire
Iranian nation, but to many oppressed and long suffering nations of
the region who looked him as a real saver.
It is an undeniable fact by foes and friends that if Lt. Gen. Soleymani
and his warriors had not recklessly resisted in battleground against
ISIS, the entire region could have been invaded by ISIS criminals.
Having grown under the school of thoughts of late Imam Khomeini,
Qasem Soleymani started his front line military career during 8 years
of imposed war in the 80s, and gradually became an indispensable
high-ranking military commander. He played a key role in the fight
against the invading forces of the Ba'athist regime of Saddam Hossein
and for the protection of Iran's national interests and security,
especially the preservation of territorial integrity of Iran.
Lt. Gen. Soleymani was head of the Revolutionary Guards' Quds
Force who had led the Quds Force since 1998. When the dark and
lethal shadow of ISIS was spreading across the region by support of
certain regional actors and external powers, it was the General who
masterminded the collapse of the fake caliphate of ISIS.
He's been combating terrorism for his entire life for the sake of his
beloved compatriots as well as other nations. He devoted himself to
defend human and divine values, human dignity and peace and
stability for all people, and finally sacrificed himself for these
valuable goals. Thus, the world owes him a lot in these respects.
His soldiers loved him immensely. He was a decent, charismatic and
attractive warrior guy, who was really powerful and undefeatable from
his enemy's perspective.
The historic funeral of martyr Soleymani, as well as widespread
sympathy of people throughout the world demonstrated his immense
popularity among Iranians and other nations and unveiled the secret of
his ever eternity before oppressed nations. In the course of events
leading up to his martyrdom and its aftermath, one could conclude the
fact that martyr Soleymani will be more dangerous to the adversaries
of humanity than Lt. Gen. Soleymani.

As once described by Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei,
he is "a living martyr of the revolution". As he deserves, Martyr
Soleymani has been and will always be an example for real defenders
of justice, humanity, peace and the fight against oppression.
The Islamic Republic of Iran will always consider the tragic terrorist
operation leading up to the martyrdom of Lt. Gen. Soleymani , and the
high ranking Iraqi commander '' Martyr Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis" and
their accompanying persons as a crime against humanity and an act of
terror, blatantly breaching internationally recognized laws and
principles, particularly taking into consideration that he was paying an
official visit to Bagdad to discuss with Iraqi authorities on resolving
regional issues. This US vicious terrorist act once again proves the
destructive role of this regime in destabilizing the region.
Obviously, there will be no impunity for the perpetrators of this
heinous crime, Iranian nation do not forgive them, and one day all will
be brought to justice.

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